Monday, August 25, 2014

The Expletive Hat

As hat season is rapidly approaching I've begun a hat making frenzy! Also, Fuck happens to be my favorite word :) so, enjoy this expletive hat.

Its actually a pretty quick and easy knit, I didn't even get through an entire season of Ghost Adventures while knitting this bad boy!

Warning, its not for the faint of heart!

US Size 8 needles (Either circular or DPNs)
Main color yarn
Contrast color yarn

*All rows in this section worked in MC*
CO 84 sts
Join in the round
R1-5: *K2 P2* to end of row
R6-10: K all

R11-22: Follow the Skulls pattern chart!

In these patterns the grey is the MC and the black is the CC. All stitches are knitted.
Skull Pattern:

Expletive Pattern Chart:

R23-25: K all in the MC
R26: K13 in MC, PM, R1 of the expletive pattern chart, K13 in MC, PM, R1 of the expletive pattern chart.
*Due to the long stretches of MC and relatively little CC in this portion of the pattern I attached and cut the CC at the beginning and end of the expletive pattern portion in each row. You could also use the Intarsia method to achieve this, but I'm notoriously bad at that method*
R27: K13 in MC, R2 of the expletive pattern chart, K13 in MC, R2 of the expletive pattern chart
R28: K13 in MC, R3 of the expletive pattern chart, K13 in MC, R3 of the expletive pattern chart
R29-47: Follow this pattern of K13 in MC, R(X) of the expletive pattern chart, K13 in MC, R(X) of the expletive pattern chart.
R48: K all MC
R49: K all MC
R50: *K1 MC, K1 CC* to end of row
R51: K all MC

Shaping the Crown
*All rows are worked in MC from now on*
R52: *K10, K2tog* till end of row
R53: K all
R54: *K9, K2tog* till end of row
R55: K all
R56: *K8, K2tog* till end of row
R57: K all
R58: *K7, K2tog* till end of row
R59: K all
R60: *K6, K2tog* till end of row
R61: K all
R62: *K5, K2tog* till end of row
R63: K all
R64: *K4, K2tog* till end of row
R65: K all
R66: *K3, K2tog* till end of row
R67: K all
R68: *K2, K2tog* till end of row
R69: K all
R70: *K1, K2tog* till end of row

I used the Kitchener stitch to close the top of the hat, an awesome video explaining how to do this stitch can be found here.

Pom Pom
To make the pom pom for the top of the hat I used a combination of the MC and CC color yarn. An awesome pom pom making video can be found here.

In order to attach the pom pom to the hat, take the two long strings and pull them through the top of the hat and tie them together on the inside of the hat!

Voila, you're done!! Enjoy your new hat!